Who is Dyslexia Gold suitable for?
Dyslexia Gold is a suite of online catch-up interventions that are suitable for most pupils, including those who are significantly behind age-related expectations and those with special needs.
Engaging Eyes is suitable for children aged 6 – 14 years.
Reading Unlocked is suitable for children with a reading age of less than 8 years.
Fluency Builder is suitable for children with a reading age of 8- 10 years.
Comprehension Superstars is for children working at Y3-Y6 level.
Spelling Tutor and Times Table Tutor are suitable for all pupils.
The Dyslexia Screener is suitable for children aged 6-12 years.
Which programs should pupils play?
Most pupils play two programs to improve their reading – Engaging Eyes and either Reading Unlocked or Fluency Builder.
To improve spelling, pupils should play Spelling Tutor.
Times Table Tutor is for pupils who wish to improve their recall of times tables.
Comprehension Superstars improves vocabulary and prepares pupils for KS2 SATs.
How many pupils can I add?
You have bought a whole school license, so you can add as many pupils from your school as you want.
How long are the sessions and how often should they be run?
Each program takes 10-15 minutes and we recommend pupils play 3-5 times a week.
Who can run the program and can it be done in groups?
Dyslexia Gold can be played independently or as a supervised group intervention.
Any adult can supervise and training is not required.
What training and support is available?
Online training and support is free for all schools.
Email info@literacygold.co.uk to receive information on how to sign up for a training session.
Your subscription includes a box of 3D glasses, and we’re happy to send more as you need them.
What devices can Dyslexia Gold be played on?
All of our programs -except Engaging Eyes- can be used on a PC, laptop, Chromebook and tablet. Engaging Eyes can only be played on a PC, laptop or Chromebook.
How can I prevent school firewalls from blocking Dyslexia Gold?
If you experience glitches, then you probably need to whitelist our programs. This stops your school firewall from blocking our websites.
Please ask your IT department to whitelist these sites.